Is Abroad Better?

As the cost of living - particularly in the areas of housing and healthcare - continues to rise for retirees here in the United States, many are contemplating the merits of retiring abroad. While there can be definite financial merits to doing so, cost alone should not be the deciding factor for transplanting to another country….

Can You Really Know Your Future Self?

People have a hard time forecasting the future about themselves. By that I mean we aren’t very good at predicting our future states of mind. The problem is that we often have to make decisions today that hinge on our ability to correctly forecast our future feelings….

No Excuses

When it comes to retirement saving, a 401(k) is often considered the gold standard. It certainly makes saving easier. But a third of private sector employees don't have access to a workplace retirement plan. Plus, about 15 million Americans are self-employed. The good news is that there are other accounts you can open yourself that offer similar benefits….